
With my muse and wife Serena

With poet Biagio Marin (years '70)

With Critics Umberto Zaccaria Paolo Rizzi and Luciano Bertacchini - 1990

Expoart New York

With my wife Serena and gallery Frederick Jannsen of Gallery Sacchetti Ascona

With collector Jurgen Messmer

With art critic Giorgio Segato

With Giovanni Faccenda

With gallerist Ferrero

With Christo and Janne Claude

With his wife Serena and Andrè Verdet

With Fernandes Arman

With swiss gallerist Reichlin Urs

With the Belgian gallerists Veronique and Van Daele

With the belgian Merchant Koen Van Daele

Kouros Gallery - New York

With Dangelo

With Milena Milani

Exhibition curated by Milena Milani

With Francesco Bonami

with artists La Rocca and Murer

With art critic Hugo Brutin

Reichlin Gallery with some collectors

With my dear friend collector Raffaele Zacchera

With writer and sculptor Mauro Corona

With Fogolar Furlan president in Zurigo

With gallerist Stefano Contini

Dinner with great the artist Riccardo Licata

With historian of art Gabriele Romeo and Carlo Vanoni

In my atelier with Willy Montini and Stefano Orler

With Nino Ovan and Luciano Bellet

With Alberto Biasi

With Willt Montini Alberto Biasi Sandi Remko and Stefano Orler

With Sara Campesan

WithFranco Costralonga

ARTETIVU, Pavilion of Arts Marcon (VE), the largest paint dell'Antologia Sara Campesan, along with various artists, including, Alberto Biasi, Franco Costalonga, Nadia Costantini, Nino Ovan, Annamaria Gelmi, Aldo Boschin, Sandi Renko, Ferruccio Gard, Franco Beraldo, Luciano Bellet, Pope, Gea D'Este, Carlo Pecorelli e Adriano Piu. Foreground Willy Montini, right Stefano Orler.

With the friend Jurgen Messmer, master and founder of the "foundation messmer"
Exhibition, Licht & Bewengung - 17/11/2017
kunsthalle messmer

The great critic Vittorio Sgarbi visits my atelier 08-08-2020

The great critic Vittorio Sgarbi visits my atelier 08-08-2020
The great critic Vittorio Sgarbi visits my atelier 08-08-2020
The great critic Vittorio Sgarbi visits my laboratory 08-08-2020

With my wife Serena and my friend art critic Vittorio Sgarbi